What is a TinyShiba Cryptocurrency, and how does it work?

2 min readMay 21, 2021

Before we begin, please note that I am not a financial advisor and that this post is solely for educational purposes.

Symbol: TINY | $TINY

TinyShiba Website: https://TinyShiba.com
TinyShiba Telegram: https://t.me/TinyShiba
TinyShiba Twitter:https://twitter.com/tinyshibatoken

Continue reading if you’re involved in crypto and like shiny, hyped tiny coins. TinyShiba is a brand-new cryptocurrency that debuted in mid-May of 2021.

What does it mean that TinyShiba is a deflationary cryptocurrency? A deflationary cryptocurrency is one that does not experience inflation.

TinyShiba accomplishes this in a unique way. It’s straightforward. A ten percent fee is charged for any transaction (purchase and sale). The first 5% is redistributed to all holders, while the remaining 5% is permanently burned. This not only puts more money in your pocket as others buy and sell, but it also discourages day trading and penalizes those who attempt to manipulate pricing.

The burned coins are sent to a null address that no one, including the developers, can reach, effectively removing them from the market volume.
So, how’s it been working out for you? In a nutshell, everything is fine.

The coin has experienced a tremendous amount of normal, organic growth and shows no signs of slowing.

It’s been steadily the, with three big spikes accompanied by healthy corrections on a consistent positive uptrend, with over 100 investors and one of, if not the, fastest growing crypto communities in the period it’s been accessible.

So you’re probably thinking now “Is it too late for me to participate in this? What is the best way for me to purchase it?” and the answer is this: You are NOT too late, and that is due to the manner in which you purchase it. TinyShiba is only available via PancakeSwap and has yet to be listed on any exchange. The developers are currently working on two exchanges, with Binance looming on the horizon.

If you buy before they go on the market, you’ll almost certainly make a good profit. Here’s a YouTube video that walks you through the process of purchasing.

One thing to keep in mind is that you can purchase BNB coins through TrustWallet, but the fee is far higher than if you bought through Binance. If you don’t have access to Binance or don’t want to wait to be validated, this is a decent form of trade.

The coin has a fantastic group, a fantastic development team, and a fantastic upside potential. Follow their Twitter for updates, the next most important of which is a Whitebit listing.

TinyShiba Website: https://TinyShiba.com
TinyShiba Telegram: https://t.me/TinyShiba
TinyShiba Twitter:https://twitter.com/tinyshibatoken

